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We often feel forgotten when the waiter takes a long time to refill our drinks, or when an Amazon package takes an extra day or two to arrive. But it's something different altogether to feel forgotten by God. In their childless state, Zechariah and Elizabeth would have experienced a dose of that pain as a couple. In the life of the community, Israel was certainly in that place after 400 years of perceived silence from God. I've personally tasted this and I'm sure you have at times as well.
Zechariah's song (and even his own name) rings out the glorious news, that contrary to our darkest feelings, God remembers us and will never, ever forget us.
Luke 1:5-25 & 1:57-80
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The shepherds were resting in the field with their sheep. They were likely dirty, maybe a bit cold, and probably ready to go to sleep for the night. But then an angel of the Lord appeared, filling the space with the light of God's magnificent glory! The shepherds were terrified, but they listened as the angel told them the Good News that the Messiah, the Savior, they had been waiting for had just been born that night!
And then... hundreds more angels appeared, raising their voices in praise to God. They sang, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
This is the song of all songs. These lyrics are a proclamation of peace, carrying great comfort! This gospel message that the angels bring is for “all men,” therefore God has given all of us something that can bring about comfort and joy, even in our darkness and despair.
The herald angels’ song is one that should be on repeat in our minds.
Luke 2:8-19
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Guest preacher, Dean Miller, speaks on the topic of widowhood, loss, and grief, especially during the holidays. He shares the story of the prophetess Anna from Luke 2, along with stories from the many widows and widowers he works with through his Widowhood Workshop Ministry.
You can learn more about the Widowhood Workshop at
Luke 2:36-38
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After the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she has been chosen to bear the Messiah her people have been waiting for, Mary rejoices that God has reversed her lowly state. In her song, she even points out that God reverses the fortunes of many individuals. When you put your faith in Jesus, God can reverse the story of your life, too!
Luke 1:26-56
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In Luke chapter 2, we are introduced very briefly to a Jewish man named Simeon. We don't know much about him except that He was a righteous and devout follower of God, and that God had told him (through the Holy Spirit) that he would not die until he saw the Messiah that he and all of Israel were waiting for.
As soon as Simeon saw Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus at the temple, he broke out into a prophetic song, proclaiming that God had now fulfilled His promise and recognizing Jesus as the way to salvation for both Jews and Gentiles.
Simeon found what he had been waiting for in Jesus. And we have found the same thing in Jesus, too!
Luke 2:22-35
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You can be joyful, because God has been mindful. God has not forgotten you. He has not abandoned you. He will meet all your needs and all your deepest longings through Jesus.