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Global Missions
Making Disciples. Planting Churches.
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
MATTHEW 28:19-20
Our Mission
North Boulevard’s vision is to help create a world where large numbers of new disciples and new churches are committed to loving Christ, loving the Scriptures, and demonstrating love to other people.
Our missionaries’ ultimate goal is to make mature disciples who will gather themselves into self-sustaining churches that continue making disciples and planting other churches. We pray that new disciples and new churches will multiply in such a way, and at such a pace, that every person in the world will have the opportunity to choose to trust and follow Jesus Christ!
North Boulevard is currently supporting the following missionaries and ministries in their efforts to reach the lost across the globe.

Meet the Missionaries
The following missionaries and ministries are financially supported by North Boulevard.
The Bailey family moved to Tanzania in 2005 to participate with a church planting team already on the field. They worked in two regions of Tanzania, giving emphasis to leadership training in order to promote sustainability and long-term reproduction of local churches. In 2021 the family moved to Mozambique to lead disciple making work among displaced refugees due to regional insurgency.
Aaron & Marisa Bailey

New Generations is a missions organization led by Harry Brown that attracts, equips and deploys a network of disciple making movement (DMM) trainers. Support for this work includes several countries and dozens of people groups. In each area, disciple making efforts focus on reaching movement status to insure continued reproduction in future generations.
West Africa & Asia
Harry & Audry Brown
New Generations Ministry

Final Command is a ministry focused on disciple making in some of the most challenging regions of the world. A particular focus is given to the northern parts of Africa by training and deploying church planters using disciple making movement (DMM) strategies. In some areas, training is focused on helping existing missionaries utilize more effective reproducible methods.
North Africa & Horn of Africa
James & Anita Forlines
Final Command Ministry

After a shift of strategies to a more reproducible disciple making movement style in 2004, New Harvest Global Ministries, led by Shodankeh Johnson, has started thousands of churches. The impact has been dramatic in the home country of Sierra Leone, but has also grown beyond to many other countries.
Sierra Leone
Shodankeh & Santa Johnson
New Harvest Ministry

Starting with a Bible instruction ministry in Israel, Joseph and Marcia Shulam initiated a Messianic Synagogue in Jerusalem. Joseph has helped many other Messianic congregations begin in countries around the world and has taught leaders of other churches to restore the original roots of Christianity.
Joseph & Marcia Shulam

Team Expansion began from the work of Doug Lucas and others serving as Latin America missionaries who cultivated a vision for reaching the entire world for Christ. Doug now oversees outreach to unreached people groups around the world, including church planting supported by North Boulevard in Central Asia.
Central Asia
Doug Lucas
Team Expansion

More details will be added soon!
Ibague Team

In order to increase church planting worldwide, Steven Earp is committed to accelerating the pace of disciple making movements. He applies technology to the identification of persons of peace in the Horn of Africa and West Africa so that new churches can begin more quickly.
Finding God Online
Steven & Randi Earp

Miguel and Jhoana Suarez moved to Armenia, Colombia in 2024 as part of a church planting team. The team explores effective discipleship methods to develop leaders quickly with the goal of planting and multiplying churches . North Boulevard supports the Suarez family in partnership with Great Cities Missions.
Miguel & Jhoana Suarez

Life Transformation Ministry seeks to reach unreached people groups in the Horn of Africa region by empowering and mobilizing local churches and leaders to make disciples and plant churches.
Horn of Africa
Life Transformation Ministry