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Group of members sitting around a living room discussing the Bible.

Small Groups

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What is a LIFEgroup?

  • 6-16 people (same- or mixed-gender)

  • Includes church members,  friends, neighbors, etc

  • Generally meet weekly or twice a month in homes, communal spaces, or online

  • Long-term group that  becomes a spiritual family

  • Goal: to build meaningful  Christ-centered relationships

Paper Texture

We are a church of small groups,
not a church with small groups.

Think Small to Grow Big

Jesus taught thousands but invested deeply in twelve men, giving us the perfect formula for taking the gospel to the whole world. Small groups at North Boulevard help us develop life-changing relationships.

There are two types of small groups:

LIFEgroups and Discovery Groups (Dgroups)

Paper Texture

Praying For Our Community

On Sunday, November 5, our church will be going into the surrounding community to pray for schools, government officials, first responders, neighborhoods, businesses, nonprofits, and other churches.

The Life Blood of the Church

Each of us has a need to be known by others, and each of us must truly know others if we are to love them with the love of Christ. That's why being in a small group is an essential part of maturing as a Disciple at North Boulevard.

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Videos & Discussion Guides created by North Boulevard

Bible Study Streaming Service for all ages


What do LIFEgroups do?

All LIFEgroups should have a rhythm that includes: 
SEEK: Pursue God through study and prayer 
SOCIALIZE: Deepen relationships by spending time together socially 
SERVE: Care for one another and others around them 

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Join a LIFEgroup

Are you ready to get plugged in and find your spiritual family?
Select your campus and fill out the form. Our Small Group Coordinators will be in touch soon to help you find your group!



Want to make disciples and help change the world?
Here’s what it takes to lead a LIFEgroup:
We’re always looking for new small group leaders!
Prayerfully consider if God is calling you to step up.
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Pray daily for your group and connect throughout the week

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Plan meetings, fun activities, and service projects

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Invite your group to join you for church gatherings and events

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Partner with a co-leader and delegate tasks to share the load

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Facilitate discussions and help keep meetings on time

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Rally everyone around a brother or sister who needs support

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What is a Discovery Group?

  • 3-5 people (same gender) committed to discipling one another

  • Includes believers and non-believers seeking Jesus

  • Meet regularly in public, communal spaces or online

  • Short-term group with deep accountability

  • Goal: to multiply disciples and groups of disciples 

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What do Dgroups do?

Dgroups follow the same relational-rhythms that Jesus modeled to and with His own disciples such as:

  • Learning the Word through teaching and study

  • Prayer and fasting

  • Serving those in need 

  • Reinforcing Multiplication by training group members to eventually lead a new group themselves

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Start a Dgroup

Since Dgroups help to ignite a fire for disciple-making, the decision to start a group is important. 

  • Pray before you start. Ask God to open doors for spiritual conversations with those who should join this group.

  • Look for people who want to meet, have time to meet, and are open to God’s Word.

  • Do life-on-life. Practice the relational-rhythms of Jesus (Scripture, Prayer, Fasting, Serving, and Disciple-making)

  • Equip yourself. Explore our discipleship resources below, and contact our Small Group Coordinators with questions.

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Use these tools in your disciple-making journey!

LIFE Lessons

Weekly Videos & Discussion Guides that follow along with our Sunday sermons. Great for LIFEgroups!

LIFE Lessons

DBS Bookmarks

Discovery Bible Study is a simple and repeatable way to study Scripture and apply its lessons in our daily lives.

DBS Bookmarks

New Believer's First Weeks

10-week Devotional for new disciples and their mentors. Printed copies available soon!

New Believer's First Weeks

Follow Me

A practical guide about how to join Jesus in the mission of making disciples in your everyday life.

Follow Me

Service Projects

Looking for ways to serve with your group? Contact our Pastoral Care Team for ideas of current needs!

Service Projects
Discover more resources at
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We're glad you asked!


Trish Waldron

Trish Waldron

Small Groups Coordinator (East & Online)

Heather Mehaffey

Heather Mehaffey

Small Groups Coordinator (West)

Our Small Groups Coordinators are happy to help!
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