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Today, David Hunzicker will be introducing us to our new sermon series, Legion: Living in a World of Angels, Demons, and All Things Spiritual."
It is dangerous for us to live our lives oblivious to the spiritual realities around us. Satan certainly does scheme against us, and we must be aware of those schemes.
Awareness is key for spiritual victory. Don't be caught unaware! We must arm ourselves against the Enemy's tactics.
Key Texts: Ephesians 6:10-12, 2 Corinthians 2:11
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We're are so excited to celebrate North Boulevard's 75th Anniversary at the MTSU Baseball Stadium!
David Young is back in the pulpit this week with an upbeat and convictional sermon to remind us that all battles are ultimately spiritual, and therefore we must learn to fight all battles spiritually.
Key Text: 2 Kings 6:15-18
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If we are going to survive in a world hostile to our beliefs, if we are to follow Jesus… then we MUST walk by the Holy Spirit. But what does it really mean to be Spirit-led? In all honestly, many of us don’t have a concept of what a spirit is, because for the past 500 years in the Western world, we have taught ourselves not to see spirits. Instead, we are taught to look for physical and scientific explanations.
However, the truth is that there is a spiritual world that surrounds and influences the physical world we live in. To be Spirit-led is to let the Spirit transform us to be more like Jesus through the word of God, through power, and through deep conviction.
Today we will go over how we as Christians are to respond to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Key Text: Romans 8:8-14
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In Scripture, angels are often seen delivering messages from God and carrying out his will, and they are still doing those things today!
In this lesson, we will go over what angels are, what role they play in God's creation, and the hierarchy of the different kinds of spiritual beings as inferred from Scripture. We'll also talk about how our sin is an act of spiritual warfare against angels (and God), and how we are to behave, knowing that angels are nearby.
Key Text: Isaiah 6:1-7
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You can't understand the message of Jesus without knowing about demons, because it's not enough to know what you're saved TO (eternal life with God); you also need to know what you're saved FROM.
In this sermon, we will overview what demons are, what types of things they do, and how we are to respond to demons as followers of Christ.
Key Text: Mark 5:1-20
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Does God still send dreams and visions to people today? If I have a dream or vision... how do I know it's actually from God? How do I know it's not just something I thought up on my own – or worse – if it's a vision from a demon?
In today's lesson, David Young and guest preacher, Shodankeh Johnson, will discuss the ways that the Holy Spirit speaks to us today and how we can use DISCERNMENT to understand if an idea comes from God, ourselves, or an evil spirit.
Key Text: Acts 2:14-21; 38-39
Also watch David Young's Interview with Shodankeh Johnson from the Auditorium Bible Class:
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What does the Bible tell us about the "End of Times?"
Today, we will go over the signs of the biblical Armageddon — what Jesus, Paul, and John say about it. And we will also discuss what we as Christians need to do to be prepared for the great Final Battle.
Key Text: Revelation 12:9-13:1
Brief description of LIFE Group Lesson Guides and Videos. These are some more words.

Brief description of DBS Bookmarks.

Brief description of Sermon Notes. These are some more words.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” (Eph. 6:10-13)
If we Christians are to stand firm, we must engage the world of spirits who govern the every day world of our physical experiences. We must learn to see the world of angels and demons, of Satan and of the Holy Spirit, of time and eternity, of powers and authorities, of darkness and of light. Over the last 500 years, the Western church has lost some of its sense of the spiritual, focusing instead on the physical. We reveal this loss of spiritual focus when we treat sin as a disease rather than as an act of rebellion, when we explain frustration and failure in marketing terms rather than in terms of spiritual warfare, when we assume that political strategies are more important than spiritual strategies, and when we make happiness our life’s ambition rather than the worship of God. To recover a robust view of spirituality, in this series we will turn back to the Scriptures, where we learn that everything is spiritual, and that we can only stand firm if we learn how to engage the world’s legion of spirits.