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This week we begin a new sermon series where we will be digging into WHO Jesus is according to His own words in the Bible.
In the text today we will be discussing what it means when Jesus says He is the Living Water we need — the one who will sustain us and quench our thirst.
Key Text: John 4 & 8, Jesus was the Word at the beginning.
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Loneliness might be the most familiar fear of every human being. We've all felt it at some point... after losing someone we love, through the pain of a broken relationship, or from a major life change like moving or serious illness. And sometimes we just have this unexplainable feeling that we are alone and unloved in this world.
These feelings of loneliness are a signal to us that we were created for closeness and relationship with others. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave us His Holy Spirit to live within anyone who chooses to accept Him.
The ultimate cure for our loneliness is to completely dive into our relationship with Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit into your heart, be filled with His pressence, and find the peace of knowing that you will never be alone again.
Key Text: John 14:1-18
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What have you done this year? What have you accomplished?
If you don't know what your purpose in life is, then you don't have a framework to help you reflect upon your year.
As Christians, we know that our purpose is to make every decision out of our loyalty to Jesus Christ. If He is the vine, and we are the branches, then we can do nothing without a strong connection to Jesus.
Key Text: John 15:1-17
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When in doubt, hold on to this truth: "Jesus is the good shepherd, and I can trust Him."
What does it mean to be "the good shepherd?"
The sheep of a flock have a relationship with their shepherd. They depend on him for all their needs. He protects them from dangerous situations, and he helps them when they get themselves into trouble. He knows each of them by name, and he knows their individual strengths and weaknesses. He disciplines his sheep when they act out. A good shepherd consistently chooses what is best for his flock.
Key Text: John 10:11, 14
Brief description of LIFE Group Lesson Guides and Videos. These are some more words.

Brief description of DBS Bookmarks.

Brief description of Sermon Notes. These are some more words.

In this series, we will study the I AM statements of Jesus in the gospel of John. With each statement, Jesus takes that which is unknown and makes it known. He takes that which is heavenly and reveals it right here on earth so that you and I can truly know God and begin walking closely with him today.