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Start Date: Sep 10, 2023


Reasons to Believe


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Does God exist? It's a simple, but profound question.

For the next 8 weeks, we will explore the evidence, and today, we will focus on the logic of simple cause and effect. From the very fact that there is a creation, we can infer that there must be a creator. There really is no other conclusion we can derive when we consider all the evidence! It is far more reasonable to believe than it is not to believe.

Key Texts: Isaiah 40:26 and Romans 1:18-20

The Evidence From Cause and Effect
The Evidence From Cause and Effect

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The universe we live in is exquisite and exponentially complex! From the vast beauty of outer space to the minuscule, intricate details of atoms... these elements are simply incapable of having evolved randomly over time, and it all points to the existence and intent of an intelligent designer.

Key Texts: Psalm 19:1-6 and Psalm 139:14

The Evidence From Design
The Evidence From Design

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We all have an internal, or "natural," desire for justice. That is, when something "wrong" happens, we want something to be done to make it "right."

In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul makes something of a natural law argument (we have the law written on our hearts). So, the fact (truth) that we naturally believe in human rights, justice, ethics, right and wrong, and the like demands that we believe in a higher power to give us these standards. And of course, that higher power is God.

Key Text: Romans 2:14-15

The Evidence From Natural Law
The Evidence From Natural Law

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For the last 3 weeks, we've discussed the classic "evidences" that assume someone is searching for meaning, transcendence, and truth. But how do we talk about God to people who no longer care those things?

They might ask things like: If God is everywhere, why do we have to seek Him? If it's so obvious that God exists, why do we need evidence? Why are there so many smart atheists, and why is being a Christian a challenge even for good people? Why do we doubt?

There are many ways to respond to these questions, but today we will focus on three truths:
1) We are weakened by sin, failing to see obvious truths
2) Scripture tells us that we MUST seek God in order to find Him
3) If living in an unbelieving community leads to faithLESSness, then living in a believing community leads to faithFULnes.

Key Text: Acts 17:16-31, Paul on the Aeropagus.

Why We Must Seek God
Why We Must Seek God

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The Bible is accurate, without error, and holds authority. And today we're going to talk about the proof!

It Is What It Says It Is
It Is What It Says It Is

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Who is Jesus? Is he a man? Is he God? Is he both?

People all throughout history have debated the identity of Jesus. But we look to Scripture – where Jesus' own words about himself are recorded – to find the truth.

The challenge to the church is to be firm in their commitment to the identity of Jesus and to proclaim His identity to the masses.

Key Text: Matthew 16:13-17

He Is Who the Bible Says He Is
He Is Who the Bible Says He Is

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"How can an all-powerful, all-good God exist, when there is so much evil and suffering in the world?" This is one of the most popular arguments raised against the existence of God in the West.

Today, we'll analyze this argument as presented by a couple of thinkers, then demonstrate why suffering actually points us to God. And we will also discuss what we as believers can say when we're suffering. What should we ask for? Where is God when we're afraid, discouraged, or in pain?

Key Text: Psalm 121

The Problem of Suffering
The Problem of Suffering

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Everyone has faith. Even if they aren't religious, they have faith because to have faith means to put your trust in SOMETHING be it God, another deity, or the absence of a higher power altogether.

So, the question is... in WHOM do you put your trust? And where will that trust lead you?

Key Text: 1 Tim. 2

What I'd Believe if I Didn't Believe
What I'd Believe if I Didn't Believe

Brief description of LIFE Group Lesson Guides and Videos. These are some more words.

Brief description of DBS Bookmarks.

Brief description of Sermon Notes. These are some more words.

Is belief in God a leap in the dark? Is the Bible merely a book of myths? Was Jesus just a good person who died an unfortunate death? This series of lessons demonstrates clearly that the evidence overwhelmingly points to the God of the universe, that the Bible is God's message to us, and the Jesus Christ is the very Son of God. Join in and see the evidence for yourself!

Series Description



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