March 10, 2024
David Hunzicker
After feeding the 5,000, the large crowds follow Jesus across the lake, but with impure motives. They simply want to fill their stomachs (and maybe their wallets) but they don't come to him for what Jesus ultimately wants to give them — spiritual life.
This nearsightedness is dangerous and contagious. Nearsighted people convince other people to prioritize the wrong things and to focus on lesser goals in life. For a nearsighted person, the purpose in life is always driven by an appetite or desire for a short-term fix. Pleasure. Money. Relief. Entertainment. Me time. Selfish agendas. And on and on it goes.
Jesus wants to lift people out of nearsightedness and into the spiritual realm. He says, "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
Key Text: John 6:1-29